Vashon Island Unitarian Universalists Book Club Choices for 2023-24

March Book (3/17/24 after VIUU service)–the Unitarian Universalist Common Read for this year which is:
On Repentance & Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg (Beacon Press, 2022 -bulk discounts available)

(6 people have already reserved their books from Pam, but she has 4 more copies of the book still available for $18.90- Please contact her if you would like to buy one of these while they are still available.


April Book (4/21/24 after VIUU service):
Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing makes us whole, by Susan Cain, 2022. Based on the premise that light and dark, birth and death, bitter & sweet are forever paired.}


May Book (5/19/2024 after service):
Being Mortal: Medicine and what Matters in the End, by Atul Gawande (Includes study guides to get more out of the book and follow the character arcs from tragedy to triumph)


June Book (6/23/2024 after service):

Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard by Douglas W.Tallamy. (Awakens readers to the urgent decline of wildlife because native plants are disappearing) 



***The last four books on the list, would need to be either

  1. A) read and discussed during the summer when VIUU does not meet. (We could either meet in each others’ homes or at Lewis Hall)


  1. B) Save them to read next Fall

Which would you like to do??


The Rose Code, by Kate Quinn, (A heart-stopping World War II story of three female code breakers at Bletchly Park and the spy they must root out after the war is over.


The Brothers K by David James Duncan, 2008 (A father’s dreams of baseball glory are destroyed by a mill accident, the mother clings to religion to ward off her past and 4 boys are raised in the 60s. By turns uproariously funny and deeply moving, it is original and poignant in its universality.)


The Selma Awakening: How the Civil Rights Movement Tested and Changed Unitarian Universalism. By Mark D. Morrison-Reed, 2014 (Selma represented a turning point for UUS)


The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times, by Michelle Obama, Crown Publisher, 2022. This new book shares practical wisdom and powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balanced in today’s highly uncertain world.