Convergence with Chris Crass and Rev. Sekou

Convergence: heart and soul nourishment for anti-racism and collective liberation with Rev. Sekou and Chris Crass

This is free and open to all! The intention of this gathering is to spiritually nourish and inspire activists and those committed to Collective Liberation.

More information and registration here! 

Streaming online will be available here! 

Convergence: heart and soul nourishment for anti-racism and collective liberation with Rev. Sekou and Chris Crass
April 22nd, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Location: University Congregational United Church of Christ

A workshop for members of spiritual and religious communities and people working for racial, gender and economic justice to come together for nourishment in our work for collective liberation.  How do we honor and grow our capacity to live and act for our values?  How can we cultivate resilient culture for collective liberation?

Chris Crass works with spiritual/religious communities around the country to build up social justice leadership, culture, and infrastructure with a focus on develop anti-racist/racial justice capacity in majority white communities.  This is workshop for people of all backgrounds, spiritual/religious traditions, and progressive justice efforts, to create liberation culture, share lessons and insights with each other, and connect to our power and purpose.

Noted activist, musician, and theologian, Rev. Sekou is a pastor of V&M Fellowship—a radical faith community whose mission is to build a radically hospitable community, rooted in grace, that practices deep listening and creative liberation.

This will be a spiritually rooted space to build our capacity to work for collective liberation, and all get free.
This event is open to all and not to be missed!

Please register here: Convergence