This past Tuesday evening, the VIUF Board reviewed and discussed the 2021-2022 budget proposed by our incredibly diligent Finance Committee. The budget was well developed, appropriately conservative in terms of risk, and unfortunately approximately $22,000 higher in expenses than the projected revenue. Pledges represent 90% of our revenue. With all voices heard, the Board was able to make reductions of $11,000. With nothing else to cut without harming our ability to carry out our mission, the Board agreed to balance the budget with the inclusion of up to $11,000 from our bank account. (Pls see Revenue-Pledges in budget)
The Board was clear that this is a one-time resolution given the impact that the pandemic has had on our members, and the need to enter the new year as a vibrant and healthy community and congregation.
The Stewardship and Finance Committees and the Board are still hopeful that we will receive some additional pledges as we wind up our Stewardship campaign.
The Finance committee will be offering two virtual information sessions for members prior to our Annual Meeting on May 23rd. ALL members are strongly encouraged to attend one of these meetings as there will be limited discussion of the budget during the Annual Meeting prior to the vote to accept the budget put forward by the Finance Committee. These dates will be sent out and posted soon.
We are greatly appreciative of all of our members and friends who have made a pledge for 2021-2022 and we look forward to a good year.
Robbie, Board President