2017 PNWD District Assembly

Date(s) - 02/25/2017
7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene


The 2017 PNWD District Assembly will be held at The UU Church in Eugene, Oregon, on February 25. Join your fellow Pacific Northwest Unitarian Universalists in worship, workshops, fellowship, and the important business of the district. The highlight of the day will be the UUA Presidential Candidates’ Forum. UUA Moderator Jim Key will facilitate the forum and all three candidates will be present: Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, Rev. Alison Miller, and Rev. Jeanne Pupke. This is your opportunity to meet and hear the candidates before the June election at UUA General Assembly in New Orleans.  For full details of the day’s activities, go to: pnwduua.org/district-assembly.