Listening Circle on Article II Bylaws Changes: Our Shared UU Values 

Date(s) - 05/30/2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

Lewis Hall


May 30, 12:30 PM–1:30pm Lewis Hall

As our VIUU representative to General Assembly this year, Rev. Victoria is inviting you to attend a Listening Circle to learn about the proposed changes in our UUA by-laws that will transform the 8 Principles into new, more comprehensive language (Link to Revised Article II Language).

The multi-year revision process involved input from tens of thousands of UUs around the country. These revisions to “Article II”—the purposes of our UU Association—will be voted on at General Assembly, June 19–22.

The Listening Circle will be a space to listen, connect, and share our feelings about the proposed changes.

You may find it helpful to watch Rev. Victoria’s sermon on Article II given at Kitsap UU Fellowship ahead of the circle (Link to Rev. Victoria’s sermon), which gives the history and context for these changes.

You are welcome to join in whether or not you’ve watched the service, if you are already familiar with the changes, and if this is the first time you are hearing about this.