New to UU Resources

From Rev. Victoria Poling

Whether you’ve been participating in the life of VIUU for a few months or few years, chances are good that you have questions about Unitarian Universalism.

Here are 3 easy to read resources:


The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide, edited by Rev. Susan Fredrick-Gray

According to the UU Association Bookstore, this is “The most complete introduction to Unitarian Universalism available, covering ministry, worship, religious education, social justice, community, and history. This revised edition prepares readers for this crucial moment in Unitarian Universalism.”

A Chosen Faith, by John Buehrens

We have several copies in the VIUU library. Please ask Rev. Victoria or any board member about borrowing a copy. From the UUA Bookstore: “This is the classic introductory text on Unitarian Universalism with chapters by former UUA President John Beuhrens and Forrest Church that explore the many sources of the living faith tradition of their chosen faith.”

An intro on the Unitarian Universalist Association website, which includes additional resources:

