The Stories and the Tellers

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Wrapping up VIUF’s theme for May, Carla Pryne and Kat Eggleston will offer up a medley of reflection and song about Story.

Stories can distort and provoke and entrap. A good story can also crack us open and lead us toward community and wholeness and hope.

We’ve been asking ourselves: in this time of holy disruption, what are the stories we need most to tell and to hear?

Help get us get started by recalling a story from your childhood that has stuck with you all your life, and share it in “Chat” when we meet on Zoom”

Carla Pryne is a retired Episcopal priest, living on Maury Island with her husband Eric and their very old dog Max. Most recently, Carla was rector of Church of the Holy Spirit on Vashon, 2010-2016. She volunteers with the Vashon Community Care Team/Medical Reserve Corps. She rides horses as often as she can and is also a new honeybee keeper.

Kat Eggleston is a singer, guitarist, songwriter and actor who has performed and taught internationally for years, and created many solo and collaborative recordings of original and traditional music, distributed world-wide.