March’s Theme: The Path of Vulnerability
Leaning on what we have learned about the complexities of love, this month we embrace Vulnerability. We will be given the opportunity to hear speakers who themselves have faced physical vulnerability, economic vulnerability, social vulnerability and/or environmental vulnerability. From them we can begin to glean how opening ourselves to vulnerability which may allow us to love one another on a deeper level. This poem encompasses a portion of the path we will tread this month:
“Prayer for a Time in Need of Empathy” by Tanya Cothran
God, teach us to consider also how others experience the world. To understand how my reality and their reality are different and yet they share qualities of the same core desire. Teach us to listen for shared feelings, for places of connection… Teach us to love into brokenness… Let us be strong in our vulnerability in our not-knowing, in exposing our less-than-perfect scary bits, to those in front of us…
We had a tech issue with the recording this week, but here are the notes from Jessica: