We Would be One: there’s more to the story about the Unitarian and Universalist Consolidation

Join us in person at Lewis Hall or on Zoom: vashonislanduu.org/sunday

We know that Unitarianism and Universalism consolidated into Unitarian Universalism in 1961, but the youth of each faith came together in 1953, and the religious educators in 1949, what took so long for the rest of us? Come hear about some of the exciting twists and turns on the way to consolidation and why it matters today.

Rev. Kari Kopnick is a lifelong UU and an interfaith minister and chaplain serving The Chaplaincy Institute, an Interfaith Seminary & Community as the Community Minister. She has served as a Congregational Chaplain to area UU congregations when they are between ministers and is a Spiritual Director in private practice. Kari lives in Kent, WA with her husband of 35 years and a very needy little dog. You can find her at karikopnick.org.