Covid brought so much to a halt. It put on the brakes and made us pause. We’ve had time to look around. To notice. And maybe that’s the most important thing we’ve learned about cultivating relationships, the central thing we need to remember when we are finally able to move on: To go slow. How long has it been friends since we carefully considered our relationship to speed? A slower pace. A quieter way of moving. A more careful way of dancing with each other. It’s the secret so rarely mentioned, and so often overlooked. Simply put, relationships are really hard to build and care for when we are running.
May this month help us hold on to that. May it be one of the lessons we remember most. May we all be blessed by the sacredness of moving at a snail’s pace.
To explore more, click this link for the Soul Matters materials that are used by Chalice Circles, small groups, or for your personal exploration: What Does It Mean to Be a People Cultivating Relationship?