Dear VIUF members,
Last night the Board approved the contract for the .25 ministerial candidate- Reverend Victoria Poling.
This is one step amongst many, to help us reach our goal of having more connection with the greater UUA fellowship, more support for one another, more guidance as we seek to implement some of our planning goals, and more consistent pulpit supply.
On Sunday December 11, 2022, after the service at Lewis Hall, a vote will be taken, and active member’s votes will be registered as the next step to complete the hiring process.
I believe this process, while arduous, has been a blessing. We have had to look at our By-Laws more closely. We have had to re-visit our projected budget. We have had to ask ourselves what we want individually from a person in this position and what we want our fellowship to receive from this person.
In the words of John O’Donohue: “When a blessing is invoked, it changes the atmosphere. Some of the plentitude flows into hearts from the invisible neighborhood of loving kindness. In the light of blessing, a person or situation becomes illuminated in a completely new way.”
The blessing of having an ordained minister at the helm of our lay-led fellowship has yet to be realized. But so far, I believe we have already been blessed.
We are blessed by the many people who have given of themselves to get us to this stage of the process. Thank you to every one of them and now it is up to you.
Please know your vote counts. See you on the 11th.
Kim Kambak
President Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship
Lewis Hall or by Zoom following the service.
The Board of Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship is calling a special business meeting on Sunday, December 11, 2022 immediately after the Sunday service (approximately at 11:00). You may attend in person at Lewis Hall or on Zoom.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and vote on the Board’s recommendation to hire the Reverend Victoria Poling for 18 months starting in January 2023. This position is quarter time (.25.)
The VIUF bylaws state that hiring a minister is an “important decision” and require a higher-than-normal quorum and a supermajority to approve a motion.
Per our bylaws:
For these decisions, and only these decisions, the quorum requirement shall be a majority of all Fellowship members. The quorum count shall include members present at the meeting and members voting by proxy. For a motion to pass, it must receive “Yes votes” of a majority of all Fellowship members or two-thirds (2/3) of those included in the quorum count, whichever is greater.
Your participation is very important. If you cannot attend this meeting, you may ask another active member to act as your proxy.
Please use the link below to let us know whether you will be present in person or on zoom. If you will not be present, please let us know who your proxy will be.
Any member may vote for one, and only one, other member if a written proxy specifying the meeting and restrictions, if any, is submitted to the secretary at the start of the meeting.
Please reach out to any board member if you have any questions.
Kim Kambak-President
Pamela Godt-Vice President
Catherine Sullivan-Secretary
Kirk Barker-Treasurer
Craig Hull-Member-at-Large
Kate O’Hare-Member-at-Large