The Program Committee joyfully prepared a variety of Sunday Services this year. Some focused on Unitarian-Universalist history and values, some explored other faiths, highlighted social justice issues, spoke to our spirituality, and more.
Now we would like to know how the mixture worked for you. Please take 10min to reflect and fill out this online Sunday Service Evaluation Survey.
What worked well? What did not work well? What would you like to see next year?
Our Program Team is small, and a few people are working to create most of the services. We are grateful to all of our Program Committee members who have led services. Special thanks especially to members Julie Shannon, Kim Kambak, and Judy Whitney, who are stepping off the team this spring.
So we would also like to know, how you would like to participate in creating programs next year? Can you join the Program Committee? And if you would prefer or are not able to participate, what can we let go of?
More details are in the online survey, here: Sunday Service Evaluation Survey.
Please respond to the survey by May 12. There will be hard copies available this Sunday May 5 and May 12 at service. Your input really makes a difference in planning our next congregational year.
Finally, our thanks also go to our minister, Rev. Victoria Poling, the ordained UU ministers and other ministers who spoke, and to our Social Justice and Transforming Mystery and Wonder teams.
Thank you,
The Program Committee: Catherine Sullivan, Ann Lewis, Rev. Victoria