Where our Pledge Dollars are used during the Fiscal Year

While doing preliminary number crunching for our upcoming Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget, I did a quick accounting where our valuable pledge dollars will be spent and want to share this information with you while not specifically identifying dollar totals.

Our biggest expense this year will be for Payroll and its related expenses (salaries, employer taxes, ADP payroll processing fees, professional development funds, etc.). Payroll will account for 49% of VIUF’s budget. Our Payroll Budget will increase over previous years as a result of our decision to hire our wonderful quarter time minister, Victoria Poling.

The next biggest expense will be Facilities which includes rent, utilities, insurance,  supplies and equipment. Facilities expenses will account for 26% of the budget. Our Lewis Hall lease is coming up for renewal this coming fiscal year; the Board will soon meet with Burton Community Church to work out the lease details.

Program expenses (payments to Service speakers and musicians, related travel expenses for these folks, and supplies/equipment required to put on a quality Sunday service) will be at least 10% of the budget.

Other expenses will include Annual UUA Program Fees-4% of the budget, Committee expenses- 2%, and general Operating expenses (Annual Retreat subsidies, I.T., Publicity, supplies and equipment expenses)-9% of the Budget.

Please know that any amount pledged to Vashon Island Unitarian Fellowship for the coming year will be money well spent and will help to keep our community a thriving, active, spiritual home for those of us who chose to call ourselves UU’s..

In service,

Kirk Barker-Treasurer