Your Minister’s Summer Hours

Though our services are wrapping up on June 9, I will still be “in the office” for the remainder of June. As a voting representative of VIUU, I will be attending the all-virtual General Assembly, June 20–23, where I will vote on the Article II revisions, which add 7 Shared UU Values to our practice.

In July, I will be practicing renewal through my spiritual practices and by spending time with friends and family. I feel grateful to have this time and spaciousness. Rest allows me to be more fully present with you, when I return.

I start with Study Leave, July 1–15, reading and preparing for the next 5 months of services. During this time, if you have an urgent pastoral care need, you can contact me through the Lay Pastoral Care team, Beth White, Donna Klemka, Rik Muroya, and Alix Clarke. I will not be regularly monitoring email.

From July 16–31, I will be on Vacation and not available for pastoral care. Please contact our Lay Pastoral Care Team if you need help finding community resources for support.

I will respond as able to any non-urgent messages when I return to the office in August. I look forward to seeing some of you at Seabeck, and hopefully most of you in September, when we re-gather on September 8 for our first Sunday of 2024–2025.

Blessings for a summer of abundance, of sorrows, and joys, as we each attend to the Spirit of Life in our own lives.

Rev. Victoria