Your minister’s summer schedule

As we move into June and begin to tie up the congregational year, I would like you to know when and how you can reach me. As your minister, the summer is my time of rest and study to prepare for a new congregational year. This means I will be away from communications for Vacation and Study Leave.



Though our Sunday Services finish June 11 with the Flower Ceremony Centennial, I will be available for congregational communications through June 16 and can be contacted by email, text or phone.


The week of June 19–25 I will be attending Ministry Days, a 3-day gathering for UU Ministers for spiritual nourishment, professional development, and to conduct the business of our UU Ministers Association. Directly following, I will represent our congregation at General Assembly as a delegate, where I will vote on our next Board President as well as proposed changes to the UUA Bylaws. Though I will be attending the conference virtually, I will be only sporadically available to answer any follow-up communications as we wrap up committee business. 


July & August:

  • June 26–July 16: I will be on Vacation and not answering emails, texts or calls. Emergency phone calls only from the Board President in the case of the death of a member.
  • July 17–31: I will be on Study Leave, reading and preparing for 6 months of Sunday Services. I will answer communications from Board Members only.
  • August 1: I will be back in the office planning for the board retreat and attending our retreat at Seabeck. I will be available for urgent pastoral care.