UU Chalice Lighter
What Is the UU Chalice Lighter Program?
The UU Chalice Lighter Program supports the growth of Unitarian Universalism by awarding grants to UU congregations help them
- call their first minister or hire their first time religious education professional, music director, volunteer coordinator, or other professional staff;
- purchase a building or land, construct a new building, or renovate their existing building;
- erect new signage or engage in other projects to increase visibility;
- develop new innovative programming for children, youth, or adults;
- create new web sites, broadcast, podcast, or video stream worship services; or develop innovative advertising, marketing, or community relations and outreach programs;
- encourage inter-congregational coordination, collaboration, and sharing;
- support the development of new satellite or branch congregations;
- increase diversity within the congregation; and
- develop other programs or projects that support the growth of Unitarian Universalism.
How Does It Work?
The Cascadia Chalice Lighter program has replaced the PWND program as of March 1, 2022.
There is an active call open at all times: Fall (July 1-October 31), Winter (November 1-February 28), and Spring (March 1-June 30). As in the past, all calls for the fiscal year will open for contributions with the posting of the Fall call. If you prefer to fulfill your annual pledge in one sitting, you may still contribute to the Winter and Spring calls in advance when you make your Fall donation.
Many donors have requested the option to set up automated monthly payments. By having calls open continuously, automated monthly withdrawals will be easy for donors to arrange.
Make a one-time gift (to one or all calls) or set up automatic monthly payments at the Cascadia Chalice Lighters Giving Page.
If you wish to make your contributions by check, please make your check payable to Cascadia Chalice Lighters, include the name of your congregation in the memo line, and mail it to:
Cascadia Chalice Lighters
2839 W. Kennewick Avenue, PMB 231
Kennewick, WA 99336