Reminding Ourselves That We Live in a Generous World

When was the last time you gave in a way that changed your heart? Or a relationship? Or a circumstance? Join us for a telling of the Stone Soup story and an invitation to consider how generosity might change us, no matter how little or how much we have to add to the pot.
Bonus sermon content: bring a vegetable (carrot, onion, rutabaga?), and Rev. Victoria will cook up a real life Stone Soup for our VIUU Friendsgiving dinner on Nov. 9, 5:45pm at Lewis Hall.


One of the best ways to learn to sing songs or hymns is to listen to them first.

Going forward, I’ll be sharing the hymns for each of the services that I coordinate with you, so you can give them a listen and get the melody in your ear. And thanks to the pandemic, there is an incredible resource of UU hymn videos online. Enjoy the hymns for this service, #128, For All That Is Our Life, recorded at Kitsap UU Fellowship and #95 There Is More Love Somewhere, by the First Unitarian Brooklyn choir. Lyrics are included in the videos.

With gratitude,