Speaker: Rev. Heather Christensen

Congregational Meetings as Spiritual Practice

Can our congregational meetings be spiritual practice? Absolutely. Join us for VIUF’s annual meeting, and get a chance to practice thinking before speaking, listening carefully to others, winning respectfully, losing gracefully, accepting the limits of time, and so much more!

The Wisdom of No Escape

Mindfulness, our theme for May, can sometimes be superficial, an escape from the struggles of daily living. Pema Chodron’s classic book, “The Wisdom of No Escape,” reminds us that real mindfulness embraces all of human experience, not just the easy, happy parts.

 We will also celebrate Flower Communion, so please bring a flower to share.

Full Week Faith

One of the biggest puzzles religious communities struggle to solve these days is this: how do we provide spiritual renewal—without making the lives of already busy people even busier? One answer is an approach called “Full Week Faith.” Come hear the Rev. Heather Christensen tell us more about new ways to deepen our faith.

Easter an Intergenerational Celebration

Easter in the Christian tradition celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. What does it mean for a pluralist faith like Unitarian Universalism? The Rev. Heather Christensen will lead an intergenerational service exploring the many ways UUs understand this celebration of rebirth.

Overcoming Scarcity

Feelings of scarcity are not exclusive to those experiencing real scarcity. Many people, even those who are financially comfortable, live with anxiety about having “enough.” What would it look like to get beyond those fears? The Rev. Heather Christensen will help us imagine a different way to think about money.

Black Lives Matter

The Black Lives Matter movement emerged after the killing of Trayvon Martin and the trial of George Zimmerman. How has it evolved since then? How has the UUA interacted with #BLM? Come explore these question and more.

The Power of Anger

At a time when so much of our political rhetoric is enflamed with rage, let’s explore the power of anger. Like fire, it can destroy—or energize and empower. What makes the difference?  

Overcoming Scarcity

Feelings of scarcity are not exclusive to those experiencing real scarcity. Many people, even those who are financially comfortable, live with anxiety about having “enough.” What would it look like to get beyond those fears? The Rev. Heather Christensen will help us imagine a different way to think about money.