Topic: Healing

My New Journey

When your faith, and your convictions, put your life in danger, what can you do? When you have to flee your country, leave your family, and start again, where can you turn? What sources of courage, and of help, are needed? Our Unitarian visitor from East Africa, Blaise Ntakarutimana, will tell a bit of his story.

Nutrition for Body and Soul

Dr. Kimberly Allen will talk about “Nutrition for Body and Soul”. Dr. Allen is a Naturopathic Physician practicing on Vashon.  After the service, the Religious Education Classes will host a Harvest Fest for the congregation, with fresh cider and vegetable races. Labyrinth Learners, K-5th As part of exploring our UU identity, we meet some of … Continue reading Nutrition for Body and Soul

Spiritual Aspects of Healing

Fellowship member, Dr. Jessica Wesch, will speak on “Spiritual Aspects of Healing.”  Service begins at 9:45 and Religious Education classes are offered for children and youth.