Topic: Identity

This I Believe

This Sunday some of our members will share what they believe while we continue explore our identities.

This I Believe

This Sunday, February 26, we continue exploring our monthly theme of “Identity”.  Two members of our Beloved Community, Pat Eastly and Brian Brown, will share some personal reflections on their identity and beliefs.  Please join us!

Who Do You Think We Are?

Matt Aspin will present “Who Do You Think We Are?”  In an age of alternative facts, it’s more important than ever to know our own truths.  So…who are we? Join us for a lively exploration of our collective identity.

Our Many Selves

Due to illness and snow the previously scheduled Feb. 12th Sunday Musical Service (WSUUand VIUF choirs) has been postponed. We are lucky to have Rev. Carla Pryne offer to do her Feb. 26th service early. Please come this Sunday, Feb. 12th to enjoy Carla speak to our theme of ‘Identity’ with her service entitled “Our … Continue reading Our Many Selves


The Sunday service theme for February is “Identity.”  The VIUF Program Committee is planning a series of Sunday service programs that emphasize inspirational aspects of the arts including poetry, music, and visual arts.  The Sunday service on Feb. 5, is titled “The Poets Among Us,” and we ask you to bring a short poem that you have … Continue reading Poetry